Monday, September 11, 2006

Another week gone by

Finally got the camera hooked up on the notebook again and so got some more pics to show.

First I am now a member of the Aquarium, pretty stupid, but it was just a bit more then visiting once. So now I can visit the Aquarium all year *yay*!

Finding Nemo

Yoshi the seaturtle, the bad kid in the tank

Feeding the sharks and Yoshi

Saturday went out for dinner with the 'Silverstream gang' at the sublime Ocean Basket for Sebastians last night out in Cape Town. Then on Sunday we planned the trip to Robben Island... at 11 in the morning.

Felt alright, but in the small rooms of the prison almost filled the historic prison with Ocean Basket food from the night before, but some fresh air did me well.

In all seriousness. It was quite amazing to hear about all the cruelties that took place during the Apartheid. But also what a spirit most prisoners there had/achieved. By learning and not hating but forgiving they came out as stronger human beings. And like our tourguide said, former prisoner of Robben Island, 'racism is never good, we are all human beings'.

A 'luxurious' prison with a bed

The guide gives a talk on how Mandela wrote his book
Getting it out the prison secretly.

The limestone quarry where they had to work, many losing eye sight because of the glare
But also a place where they educated each other.

Me, Sebastian and his sister Julie

The Mother city


Anonymous Anonymous said...

so, you have been at Nelson Mandela's place; end of the Apartheid.


11:29 AM  

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