Monday, October 16, 2006

How nice is a weekend

...because you have so much time to do things. Things i did where nice, but i wish i had been able to do more things.

For instance, i bought a surfboard this weekend. But i didnt get to surf. I went to the beach, but the wind blew us away. The same goes for saturday night, we went out at opium on saturday, and partied with prince harry (well i saw him partying, but still i'm sure he respected our party skills as well), but i didnt get him to make me king of schotland. Also made an awesome u-turn in front of the nelson hotel, but the wheels stayed on the ground. Had an awesome braai at stu's new place, but didnt get to stay too long as we tried to surf once again. Only to arrive in muizenberg, and find out that we are too late. Drive back through a township, and shit our pants.

Well there is always next weekend...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

he, king of scotland, you are shitting your pants; what about, you worried about hyacint, she should be driving ?
i heard the water is cold at the cape: is that so ?
we were this weekend at " little cape hoorn " , groningen

12:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey lovely en dear Arnie!!

Sounds very very well!! All those nice things!!! I can imagine that you would have like to do more... I understand that very well as the: as as as is verbrande turf Judith... but sometimes there are some cables in the key... or you can just simply be a little bit too late for some things... that one I know very well also... but indeed there is always a manana and still another weekend.. and to keep it positive; Really great that you have your surf board and gourgious (don't remember how to write it...) that you met prince Harry!! Really funny!!

Zoals je merkt is mijn engels niet meer wat het moet zijn op de latere avond... maar vind ik je nog steeds een topper!! En knap hoe je met je maagzweer dealt! Want het is nog niet helemaal over toch? Begreep ik? Super dat je nog zo veel leuke dingen doet!! ondanks dat 't nog niet helemaal weg is. Betere afleiding kan je niet hebben lijkt me toch? .. nou ja; Hyacinth was dan wel even behoorlijk aan het tegen sputteren, maar dat ligt in de aard van het beestje dacht ik zo...

Laiverd geniet van alles he?!! Heerlijk blijven doen!! En ik zie je snel!! Super!! Kan je toevallig thuis al op internet?

Heel veel liefs Juutje!!

1:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hee Arne,

Heb je blog ff opgezocht na alle enthousiaste verhalen van Judith!!
Wat veel gave dingen heb je gedaan zeg!! Zo maak je nog eens wat mee. Erg leuke blog en foto's btw!! Blijft je thuisfront ook een beetje op de hoogte. Nou geniet er lekker van alle leuke dingen die je meemaakt!! groetjes Fhathima

1:29 PM  

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