Monday, October 16, 2006

How nice is a weekend

...because you have so much time to do things. Things i did where nice, but i wish i had been able to do more things.

For instance, i bought a surfboard this weekend. But i didnt get to surf. I went to the beach, but the wind blew us away. The same goes for saturday night, we went out at opium on saturday, and partied with prince harry (well i saw him partying, but still i'm sure he respected our party skills as well), but i didnt get him to make me king of schotland. Also made an awesome u-turn in front of the nelson hotel, but the wheels stayed on the ground. Had an awesome braai at stu's new place, but didnt get to stay too long as we tried to surf once again. Only to arrive in muizenberg, and find out that we are too late. Drive back through a township, and shit our pants.

Well there is always next weekend...

Monday, October 02, 2006

Update of some sort

Just a small update, to keep the blog going...

So what has happened since the last update, quite a lot.

- Sebastian has left the apartment :(
- Had a very big farewell/last night going out with Sebastian and friends
- Got an ulcer as a result of that night and many before.. or cuz of bad food/stress, take ur pick
- Spent that weekend with Stuart and Susi, went to airshow, had some classy dinner...
- Stuart left the following week as well :(
- Had a last party in the flat
- New roommate Douglas arrived, and new roommate Louisa
- Had a week of going out without drinking...
- Went to Stellenbosch on Friday with new roommates
- Had a nice student party there and went out in Stellenbosch
- Tasted some wine at some vineyards
- Went to rugby match
- Went out on saturday, got rejected to enter at Opium... the girls looked to young...
- Did nothing on sunday

photos to follow